Sunday, February 15, 2009

A little intro... my crazy simple life

I've been thinking about blogging for awhile now... I guess tonites the night. As I sit here at the computer, the house is so quiet. I really enjoy my late nights to myself. Kids are sound asleep, hubby too.. and here I sit typing a blog. My schedule is a bit off lately. Stay up late, then up early to get kids around.. take a nap once in awhile just to catch up. Some days I think I've really lost it.. quitting a great salary job to stay at home with my boys and work on my photography business in times like this. But, how does one decide what is more important in life... I had to.

In this moment, I could not be happier. It's giving me a chance to remember myself and who I was before I became that busy mother and wife. I really didn't know which end was up or down. I had lost myself somewhere along the way. It was definitely not where I wanted to be or even where I thought I would be at 31. How does one decide what is more important in life.. family or money. I saw myself becoming that mom that misses all the ball games and field trips and class parties because of some big important job she has. I just couldn't do it anymore. For me, family is all you have. We could make it without the unnecessary purchases in exchange for more mommy time. So, with the support of my dear husband and wonderful friends, I took a huge step and left my job. I am now a full time wife, mother and photographer.

1 comment:

tonya said...

Welcome to blog land my dear friend. And thanks for putting up that big ol honking pic of me. Geez. :)